What's going on at Bennington Welcome Center in September 2018?!
What's going on at Bennington Welcome Center in December 2015?!
What is, "It's a Blue Sky Day and MORE!"?
What is, "Blue Sky Day"?
What's going on at Mocha Joe's in August 2015?!
What is going on at the SE Vermont Welcome Center?!
What is going on at the Whetstone Station Restarant and Brewery?!
Lake Erie Beach
Fresh Fruits
Fresh Vegetables
Blue Sky Day Journal (6" X 9")
Greeting Cards
Front Row Seats :: Bethlehem, NH
Stone and Sky at Whiteface Mountain :: Adirondacks, NY
Amazing Grace :: Keene, NH
Point Breeze at Sunset :: Lake Erie, NY
Liquid Sunset :: Wilmington, VT
Two States :: Connecticut River, VT
Crystal Lace, Wilmington, VT
Untitled, Danby, VT
Bird’s Eye :: Brattleboro, VT
Roots :: Orange, MA
Fruits :: Just Ripe :: Irving, NY
Stand By Me :: Brattleboro, VT
Reflections :: East Calais, VT
Praying Flower :: Brattleboro, VT
Field of Hops :: North Bennington, VT
Dreamland :: Brattleboro, VT
Tuesday Morning :: Brattleboro, VT
Through an Orchid :: Newfane, VT
Front Row Seats :: Bethlehem, NH :: 11” x 18” :: $395
Stone and Sky at Whiteface Mountain :: Adirondacks, NY :: 30” x 40” :: $795
Amazing Grace :: Keene, NH :: 11” x 18” :: $165
Point Breeze at Sunset :: Lake Erie, NY :: 30” x 40” :: $795
Liquid Sunset :: Wilmington, VT :: 10” X 8” :: $95
Two States :: Connecticut River, VT and NH :: 24” x 18” :: $195
Crystal Lace :: Wilmington, VT :: 11” x 14” :: $150
Untitled :: Danby, VT :: 11” x 14” :: $150
Bird’s Eye :: Brattleboro, VT :: 10” x 8” :: $95
Roots :: Orange, MA :: 10” x 8” :: $95
Fruits :: Just Ripe :: Irving, NY :: 10” X 8” :: $95
Stand By Me :: Brattleboro, VT :: 37” x 24” :: $295
Reflections :: East Calais, VT :: 16” X 20” :: $205
Praying Flower :: Brattleboro, VT :: 24” x 18” :: $195
Field of Hops :: North Bennington, VT :: 11” x 17” :: $295
Dreamland :: Brattleboro, VT :: 16” x 20” :: $345
Tuesday Morning :: Brattleboro, VT :: 30” X 22” :: $275
Through an Orchid :: Newfane, VT :: 40” x 32” :: $495
Lake Erie Beach
Fresh Fruits
Fresh Vegetables
From the Book
Blue Sky Day photo Journal preview
Liquid Sunset :: Wilmington, VT :: 10” X 8” :: $95
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Liquid Sunset :: Wilmington, VT :: 10” X 8” :: $95